Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Madness

The frog song is noticeably louder, with no individual croak heard, only the whole en mass in stereo.  Like our pond is the center of the frog universe where all the male frogs have come to woo their women.  It's not just our pond though, but all the ponds and interconnecting streams that surround this neighborhood that sings.

While I can't differentiate or begin to identify which frogs hang out in my back yard, here's a list of regional amphibians that might come a courtin'. 


American Bullfrog -- Rana catesbeiana
Cascades Frog -- Rana cascadae
Columbia Spotted frog -- Rana luteiventris
Oregon Spotted Frog -- Rana pretiosa
Green Frog -- Rana clamitans
Northern Leopard Frog -- Rana pipiens
Pacific Chorus Frog -- Pseudacris regilla = Pacific Treefrog - (Hyla regilla or Pseudacris regilla)
Northern Red-legged Frog -- Rana aurora
Coastal Tailed Frog -- Ascaphus truei
Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog -- Ascaphus montanus


Great Basin Spadefoot -- Spea intermontana
Western Toad -- Bufo boreas
Woodhouse's toad -- Bufo woodhousii

Here is a cool link to a site that is about nature watching.

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